My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I'm honestly floored with the attention to details in this book. From the first few sentences I was hooked. It was 4 hours before I came up for air and I still wasn't finished reading this book. Mary J Williams is a master story teller, revealing each segment like a blossoming peony, opening fulling showing each and every petal.Each and every character was fleshed out and the background was well thought and written. Ms Williams took me on an emotional journey, one where I laughed at times and other when I had tears silently running down my cheeks. Many parts in this book had me choked up, especially the pain that Sophie was hiding from everyone. The amount of detail that Ms. Williams put into describing the land, the people and most of all the growing feelings that Sophie and Forbes had for one another. Even the secondary characters are well written and thoroughly developed.
The mystery and intrigue in this story is enough to get your pulse racing. If you want to read something that will have you up until the wee hours of the morning, let this be your book! It's too bad that this book can receive a 5 star rating as it deserves so much more. I may have received this as an ARC, but I enjoyed it so much that I bought the book! I also have plans of having it on my shelves in paperback!
Buy it, Read it, Review it and tell all of your friends to buy it too!
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