(Snowy Knights)
Kasey Danvers is on the run. Her step-father has finally pushed her to the edge, and now her only plan is to drive until the car runs out of gas. It’s just her luck that it happens in the middle of a freak snowstorm.
Fate intervenes, when Bryce Cromby comes to her rescue, warming her body and soul as he protects her from the storm. But can he protect her when her step-father comes for her again?

Even though Bryce and Hugh were busy with the horses, Bryce looked forward to the calls from Kasey. So far everything had gone has planned. She had made the long drive to Denver without incident and was checked into the hotel.
“The hearing is at nine, and if everything goes as planned, Joe thinks we should be out of there by ten-thirty at the latest. I should be back on the road by noon and home no later than eight.”
Joe was the attorney Bryce had hired to help facilitate the paperwork. The only wrench in the plan was Larry. He was still fighting the transfer. Bryce wished he could have gone with Kasey. He didn’t like the idea of her facing Larry without him, but it couldn’t be helped. He had to be at the ranch. Joe would have to protect her where he couldn’t.
The last of the horses was having trouble birthing her foal. Bryce and Hugh had called the vet to help, and things were not going well. When things finally settled down enough for Bryce to check his phone, it was after noon. “Have you heard from Kasey yet?” Hugh asked, coming out of the shower.
“No, and she should have called an hour ago. I’m going to call her.” When Kasey didn’t answer, Bryce started to panic.
“Call Joe; maybe the proceedings took longer than they expected. They might still be in court, and she can’t answer. These things get delayed all the time. It’s hopefully nothing.” Hugh knew how worried his brother was. He was a little worried himself.
Bryce made the call while Hugh waited.
“Well?” he asked as Bryce started dialing another number.
“I got Joe’s answering service. They are going to try and track him down. They have someone at the courthouse who can check to see if they are still in session and call me back.” Bryce paced nervously waiting for the call. He hated waiting and wasn’t very good at it. “I’m going out to check on the new foals. I can’t wait in here.”
He had finished checking the horses and was walking to the house when the phone rang. It was Joe. “Bryce, what can I do for you?”
Bryce quickly explained that he hadn’t heard from Kasey and he was getting worried. “I left her in her car about one. I assume she was going for lunch before heading back. She’s probably on the road. You know cell service can be sketchy through the mountains. I’m sure she’ll call you when she can. I’ve got to run. I’ve got another case this afternoon.” Joe disconnected the call.
Bryce thanked him before hanging up the phone, but he had a bad feeling. Something wasn’t right. He explained the situation to Hugh when he got in the house. “I heard from Joe. Court took a little longer than he anticipated. Her stepfather caused quite the ruckus and things became very heated.”
“So what happened?”
“He finally signed the papers, but was still threatening Kasey. She got very upset. Joe thought she was going for lunch and to calm down before heading back. I’m going to keep trying. She might not have cell service depending on where she is.”
Two hours later, Bryce still hadn’t heard from Kasey. Unable to sit and do nothing, he and Hugh decided to start out and see if they could find her on the road.
“Let’s call the sheriff first. He might have an idea,” Hugh said as they left.
Ron suggested using the GPS on Kasey’s phone to track her. “At least then you’ll have an idea of where to look.”
Bryce wasn’t happy about the detour to the sheriff’s office, but if it helped him find Kasey sooner, it would be worth it. Ron had the information waiting for them when they arrived. “I don’t know whether this is good or bad. The GPS in your SUV and her phone both show the same location in Arvada.”
“Arvada? What the hell. She shouldn’t be anywhere near there.” It was after five in the evening and Kasey should have been somewhere close to Grand Junction if she had left when they thought she had. Bryce couldn’t understand what was going on.
“Don’t rush to conclusions. I’ve already sent a message to my friend in Arvada. He will have one of his officer’s check into the situation. I have a helicopter you and Hugh can use if you want to go there,” Ron said, explaining the arrangements he had made for Bryce and Hugh to travel to the Denver area.
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