Title: Recluse
Series: Spider #1
Author: Jaycee Ford
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 26, 2017
You were my
brother in the line of duty.
My partner.
My best
You were
the man who had it all.
Your thoroughness
and precision made you a great cop.
It’s what
got you killed.
And now I
live with the darkening shadows of your memory.
You weren’t
here when I needed you to save me.
You weren’t
here when I needed help solving the most gruesome murder this town had ever
But most of
all, you weren’t here to keep me from falling in love with your wife.
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Author Bio
Bestselling author Jaycee Ford grew up chasing street cars around the city of New Orleans. After doing a four year stint at Louisiana State University, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and fled for the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. New Orleans beckoned her home again where she put her love of the foothills into a series of romance novels. In between writing, she’s found behind her desk at a top rated law firm … or still chasing street cars.
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